What Are We Trying To Do?
The TPAC Program is a treatment and research collaboration between Children’s National Hospital, The University of Maryland, and Seattle Children’s Hospital. We are supported by the National Institute of Mental Health.
We are trying to learn how to best help families where parents and children are struggling with attention, organization, and frustration.
We think that a family approach that combines treatment for the parent and child will be most helpful.
What’s Involved?
Step 1
Meet with a psychologist to determine if you and/or your child has attention difficulties
Fill out surveys about you and your child
Complete a physical exam to make sure you are in good health
Step 2
Receive 1 of 2 treatments via telehealth.
In one treatment, parents first receive stimulant medication for attention difficulties then receive 10 weeks of Parenting Program (Behavioral Parent Therapy)
In the second treatment, parents receive 10 weeks of Parenting Program (Behavioral Parent Therapy)
Learn more about the Parenting Program here
Step 3
Complete surveys during check-ins at:
8 weeks
End of treatment
A few months after treatment
You will be paid for each check-in, for a total of up to $195